David Bibby
After studying at the University of Bangor, Wales and graduating with an honours degree in archaeology, medieval and modern history I dug for half a decade on various (and varied) excavations in Wales, England and Germany. In 1986 I joined the Baden-Württemberg State Heritage Authority, where I have remained in various capcities until today, at present manager, digital archaeology. I have had teaching posts in field archaeology and modern methods at the University of Applied science for Technology and Economics (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft) Berlin and the University of Konstanz. Currently I am co-chair of the Working Group on Archaeological Archives of the Europae Archaeologae Consilium and a member of the Commission on Archaeology and Information Systems of the Association of State Archaeologists in Germany. My professional interests include digital site recording, CAD and GIS, laser and structured light scanning and image-based recording, forensic and burial archaeology, archaeological archives and, especially, stratigraphy.