Irmela Herzog
My first contacts with computer applications in archaeology date back to an internship at the computer laboratory of the Rheinisches Landesmuseum in Bonn, Germany, and a subsequent student job at the lab while studying mathematics and computer science. After finishing my diploma thesis dealing with the rectification of archaeological aerial images, I got a permanent job at the lab in 1988. Due to some organisational changes I am now member of the services and publication department in the Rhineland Commission for Archaeological Monuments and Sites. Together with Irwin Scollar I received the first German Archaeology Award in 1999. For more than 15 years, I was one of the speakers of the national German CAA chapter ( Moreover, I was member of the advisory board of the German Classification Society (GfKl: for some years, and I am a member of the Commission on Archaeology and Information Systems of the Association of State Archaeologists in Germany.
During office hours the focus of my work is on data bases and GIS software for recording archaeological and museum data, including teaching and advising the colleagues on this subject. Beyond that my interests are in analysing archaeological data by statistical and GIS methods, and in stratigraphic analysis including the development of software for these purposes (www. I also gave lectures on these subjects at Bonn and Cologne University and was invited to give talks in several European countries.