Karlsplatz 13
1040 Vienna
Opening Event Monday – 4.11. – 19:30
Location: Wiener Planungswerkstatt – Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 9, 1010 Wien
Opening speaker: City of Vienna DI Steger
Mayor´s Cocktail Tuesday 5.11 – 19:30
Location: Rathauskeller – Grinzinger Saal
Opening speaker: City of Vienna Mag. Susanne Haase
Informal Farewell Wednesday: 6.11. – 19:30
Location: Restaurant Blunznstricker
1160 Wien, Ottakringerstraße 71
Opening speaker: BR a.D. DI Roland Löffler
Presenters and session chairs who participated in CHNT 29 have the possibility to publish their contributions in the proceedings of the conference. From 2019 on, the proceedings of the Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies are being published as an e-book series on propylaeum, the information service for the classics in Heidelberg. The book and all of its papers will be available permanently with persistent identifiers (doi). The papers or the whole book will be available there in open access under a creative commons license. There are two formats for publishing in the proceedings: Papers (for Session contributions) and short papers (for Session and Round Tables contributions).
Papers are intended to present new research and best-practices concerning methods, technologies and their application in the cultural heritage sector as well as thorough discussions of their impact and theoretical implications in the field. The papers are subject to single-blind peer-review by external reviewers and members of the scientific committee of CHNT.
The papers will be presented in a session at the conference. The paper should be submitted in the form of a long abstract. Please use the appropriate template.
short papers
Short papers provide the opportunity to present a wide range of topics, ranging from the presentation of new projects, preliminary reports or the exchange of experiences and smaller tweaks in the application of already established methods and technologies. Short papers are reviewed by the session chairs and the editorial team of CHNT.
The short papers will be presented in a round table at the conference. The short paper should be submitted in the form of a long abstract. Please use the appropriate template.