
Round Table by Cristiana Barandoni – which takes place on Monday 4.11. – at the MAK

The PERCEIVE project (Perceptive Enhanced Realities of Coloured Collections through AI and Virtual Experiences) aims to enhance the digital capabilities of scientists and cultural institutions by developing a service-based architecture, made of tools and prototypes.

Cultural institutions, research centres and creative industries are involved. The PERCEIVE consortium is made of 12 partners, coordinated by CNR ISPC (The Italian National Research Council – Institute of Heritage Science): FORTH (Greece), Fraunhofer-IGD (Germany), the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU – Switzerland), ANAMNESIA and IMKI (France), Hoverlay Inc. (USA),the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and three notable museums as The Munch Museum in Oslo, The Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) of London and the National Archaeological Museum of Naples (MANN). The project focuses on the development and improvement of digital technologies dedicated to the conservation, reconstruction and communication of coloured collections, which are delicate and require shared techniques for preservation and display. The project aims to foster a shared European identity based on values of “care”, “authenticity” and “participation”, enhancing, at the same time, the digital marketplace for creative industries.

PERCEIVE is creating new on line services and tools for experts and designers, and new prototypes of hybrid interactive experiences dedicated to citizens and educators. All these outcomes will be focused on reconstructing the original perception of coloured artworks, forecasting future developments in colour changes, improving museum display and curation, designing new ways to engage citizens through interactive applications accessible on line or physically in museums, but also outside as in public spaces.

PERCEIVE is setting up a new methodology to improve the entire process, establishing a new framework for capturing, processing, assessing, representing, communicating, and reproducing colour images to meet the current and future needs.

Cover picture: Dr Donata Magrini while doing hand-held XRF acquisitions on the Anadyomene Venus from Pompeii

CNR working group during diagnostic investigations which explains all stages of the research to visitors

CNR working group during the diagnostic campaign and the 3D modelling acquisition of the so called “Lovatelli Venus”, one of the masterpieces of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples

Dr Daniele Ferdani and Federica Bonifazi, CNR-ISPC during the photogrammetric and laser scanner survey activities of the Iseum of Pompeii in June 2024