Axel Posluschny
I received my M.A. in Prehistoric Archaeology from Marburg University (1995) and my Ph.D. (Dr. phil.) in Archaeology at Marburg University (2002). My main work is related to landscape archaeology, mainly using GIS based methods to analyse the relationship between past societies and their environment and the social relations within and between past societies and the interdependency with their surrounding landscapes.
My other focus is the use of remote sensing and modern prospection methods for landscape archaeology, heritage management and public engagement.
I have been working as the principle investigator in a research project dealing with questions of landscape and social archaeology within the framework of the Early Iron Age “Princely Sites” (“Fürstensitze”) in Europe (2004-2010) and am now leading the multinational EU funded project “ArchaeoLandscapes Europe” (ArcLand; with at present 68 partners from all over Europe, the US and Australia. ArcLand is dealing with the existing imbalances of the knowledge and the use of modern surveying and prospection methods such as aerial archaeology, LiDAR, geophysics, satellite imagery etc. in Europe and aims to level these differences by organising workshops, fieldschools and conferences, by publishing books, manuals and leaflets and by creating a travelling exhibition which is aimed to foster interest and understanding within the general public.