Call for Sessions, Round Tables, Panels and Trainings

Click here to make a submission!

30 Years of visions for the future

Impacts of technology on cultural heritage

Our Open Call aims to uncover the latest insights from both the CHNT and wider scientific, professional and academic communities working in the heritage sector, welcoming new findings to shape an engaging conference at the forefront of contemporary discussions.

Staying true to this mission, CHNT offers a platform for the productive exchange of ideas. CHNT 30 aims to break new ground by leaving the theme of the conference open to ideas on opportunities, challenges and tasks that lie ahead of us in 2025 and beyond. We welcome such works, investigating areas including inventory, research, documentation, conservation, management, dissemination, advocacy and policy-making.

At the same time, we encourage reflections on the impacts of our use of technologies in cultural heritage. In addition, reviews of outcomes or outputs from research presented at the conference in previous years are invited.

Working with and for cultural heritage, the variety of topics is growing every year. We are proud that the CHNT community is diverse, interdisciplinary and represents researchers, professionals (both academic and non-academic), and other stakeholders.

We are looking forward to your proposals about topics of interest to you and provide these seed suggestions:

  • Digitisation for Preservation
  • Benefits and Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
  • Digital Heritage
  • Long-Term Data Storage
  • Archiving, Data Reuse, FAIR
  • Cultural Heritage for All: User-Friendly and Barrier-Free
  • Dissonant Heritage
  • Cultural Landscape Inventories
  • Digital Storytelling
  • Digital Archaeology
  • Integrated Approaches to Tangible and Intangible Heritage
  • Resilient Heritage
  • Wicked Problems for Archaeologists (Schofield 2024)

The scientific committee invites you to submit a proposal for a session, round table, panel or training session.

Please choose one of the following conference formats:

Sessions will present current research on the application of technology in cultural heritage or archaeological research, management and presentation. They usually consist of a series of presentations of up to 20 minutes. The presentations may be published as full papers or short contributions in the conference proceedings.

A round table is a discussion of a topical issue, which may be supported by short presentations of up to 10 minutes. The presentations may be published as short contributions in the conference proceedings.

A panel is intended to allow the audience to interact with panel members on a topic and share experiences on an interdisciplinary basis. The topic of the panel and at least 3 panel members should be included in the proposal.

These are hands-on workshops that allow participants to experience state-of-the-art methods and technologies. The duration should be 2-3 hours and must be free of charge for all participants.

Click here to make a submission!

This call is open till January 31st!
Thank you for your submissions. Contributors will be notified if their proposal has been accepted by February 2025.
The call for long abstracts, short papers, apps, and posters will start in March 2025.
The conference will again be hybrid, but we kindly ask that at least the presenters are on site!