Carmen Löw

Carmen Löw is an archaeologist, PR consultant and cultural mediator. She works for the Kuratorium Pfahlbauten [], which manages the Austrian part of the serial and transnational UNESCO World Heritage Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps [].
Her main scope of work and also field of research is Community Management and Public Relations in cultural heritage. She also oversees the social media channels of the Kuratorium Pfahlbauten and the common channels of the transnational World Heritage. In the Kuratorium she supports the management in organizational and strategic development and in programs to strengthen community involvement and foster the understanding for heritage protection.
As a result of an early confrontation with the need for crisis communication and strong civic engagement during her first experience as excavation director Carmen Löw realized the potential and necessity of a transparent and participative approach in archaeology.

While being responsible for cultural mediation in an international cultural park, she gained insight into professional cultural marketing from her colleagues and learned that without the proper expertise, it would not be possible to exploit the full potential of archaeological Research.
After moving to Austria, she began to do studies in this aspect and to develop her skills in this regard. In addition to apprenticeships in PR and cultural education, she has advanced training in crisis communication, fundraising and marketing & sales.
Carmen Löw studied classical archeology, ancient history, German philology and archeology of the Middle Ages in Saarbrücken and Bamberg. She worked as an excavation director of rescue and research excavations in Germany and was involved in the management of several French and Austrian research excavations.