Edeltraud Aspöck
Edeltraud graduated from the University of Vienna (2002, Pre- and Protohistory, Classics, Mag. Phil.) and received a PhD at the University of Reading, UK (2009, archaeology, thesis title: ‘The relativity of normality: an archaeological and anthropological study of deviant burial and different treatment at death’). From 2013–2016, she held a Hertha Firnberg post-doc grant for the project ‘Microtaphonomy and interpretation of reopened graves’ and led activities of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) in the EU-project ARIADNE. In 2014, she founded the OREA OeAW research group Digital Archaeology and was the research group leader until 2018.
She was PI of the go!digital project Digitizing Early Farming Cultures (2014–2017) and the scientific coordinator of ‘A Puzzle in 4D: digital preservation and reconstruction of an Egyptian palace’ (2015–2020). Since 2020 she is a researcher at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, leading OeAW activities in the ARIADNEplus project and she is vice-chair of the COST Action SEADDA (Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Ages). Her research expertise lies in mortuary archaeology, digital archaeology and the early medieval period.
CHNT Connection:
I became involved with CHNT through organising sessions for the ARIADNE – and the subsequent ARIADNEplus projects.
Affiliation / Institution:
Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage |
Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences