Hansjörg Thaler
After the studies of architecture in Venice and classical archeology in Innsbruck and Bologna with a background of measurement technologies, remote sensing and GIS applications, i directed the roman city excavation project for many years in Grumentum (South Italy), digging the Amphitheater, the imperial Baths, some roman villas and the road systems, developing and researching new digital systems of documentation and technologies in archeological excavations. I participate on survey- projects in Armenia, Sudan, Cambodia, Crete and coordinate excavations projects in, Italy, the Bauhaus of Dessau and others. Currently I am working as free archeologist alternating excavations with teaching activities on different universities, institutions and schools; now i also experiment and research new publication technologies and methods trough the new possibilities of Internet in open archeology projects. Member from 2005 oft the scientific Committee of CHNT in Vienna you will find my complete CV and some publications on my homepage www.hjthaler.com