Samuel Michael Paley
Dept of Classics, The University at Buffalo
336 Millard Fillmore Academic Center Buffalo, NY 14261
Education and Academic Degrees:
1963-1974 Columbia University, New York – Ph.D. in Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, 1974 (with distinction)Columbia University, New York – M. Phil. in Middle Eastern Languages requirements completed in February 1969; degree awarded in May 1974
1963-1965 Columbia University, New York – M.A. in Art History and Archaeology, 1965
1963-1966 Dropsie College, Philadelphia, PA
1959-1963 New York University, University College Summer 1962
1959-1966 Seminary College, Jewish Theological Seminary of America
1955-1959 Boston Latin School – Diploma
Work History:
1992-present Professor, Department of Classics, University at Buffalo
1977-1992 Associate Professor, Department of Classics, University at Buffalo (tenured in 1979)
1986-1991 Chairman, Department of Classics, University at Buffalo
1982-1984 Consulting Kevorkian Curator, Department of Egyptian, Classical and Ancient Middle Eastern Art, The Brooklyn Museum
1976-1979 Adjunct Associate Professor, State University College at Buffalo (teaching Bible and Biblical Thought) in association with the College of Jewish Studies
1973-1975 Lecturer, then Instructor, Dept. of History, Queens College, Flushing, NY
1973-1975 Lecturer, School of Education, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion, New York
1971-1973 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Social Science Division, Notre Dame College of St. John’s University, Staten Island, NY
1969-1971 Lecturer, Dept. of History, Herbert Lehman College, Bronx, NY
1966-1969 Instructor, Dept. of History, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ
Archaeological Field Experience:
Seyitömer Höyük Excavations (Turkey) Field school supervisor and archaeologist, 2007
Alişar Hoyuk Excavations (Turkey) Assistant Director, 1993-Present
University at Buffalo Emeq Hefer Project (Israel) Project Director, 1979-present
Western New York Archaeology Projects: Ecology and Environment, Inc., 1986;
Dean and Barbour, Inc., 1988
Tel Sera, 1973 (Supervisor)
Columbia University Excavation to Cyprus, 1971-73. Supervisor of Vounari Hill with S. al Radi
Tel Dan, 1970 Supervisor and organizer of The Brooklyn Institute’s collaboration
Tel Arad, 1964 Student. See R. Amiran, Arad, Introduction.
Tel Nagilah, 1963 Student.
Scholarships and Awards:
Columbia University: Extended Residence Scholarship (1966-69)
Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Berkley, CA (Summer 1963)
Chancellor’s Award for Internationalization, SUNY 2004-5
Kershaw Lecturer for Near Eastern Archaeology, Archaeological Institute of America 2006-7
1. Books:
BooksWith R. Sobolewski, The Reconstruction of the Relief- Representations and Their Positions in the Northwest Palace of Kalhu (Nimrud) Part III, (The Principal Entrances and Courtyards), Mainz am Rhein, Verlag Phillip von Zabern, 1993 [Deutsches Archäologiches Institut, Abteilung Baghdad. Baghdader Forschungen vol. 17]
With R. Sobolewski, The Reconstruction of the Relief- Representations and Their Positions in the Northwest Palace of Kalhu (Nimrud) Part II, (Rooms: I,S,T,Z and West Wing), Mainz am Rhein, Verlag Phillip von Zabern,1987 [Deutsches Archäologiches Institut, Abteilung Baghdad. Baghdader Forschungen vol. 10]
King of the World: Ashur-nasir-pal II of Assyria (883-859 B.C.), New York: The Brooklyn Museum, 1976.
2. Articles (selected):
S. Paley. “Kuzeybatı Sarayı ve Nimrud’ta Yürütülen Dijital Akropol Projesi (The NWP and Cıtadel Digital Project at Nimrud)”, IDOL; Arkeologlar Derneği Dergisi (Journey of the Association of Archeologists) 29. 2006, pp. 15-20. [Mert Basım Yayım.ANKARA]
With Y-S. Kim and T. Kesavadas. “The Virtual Site Museum. A Multi-Purpose, Authoritative and Functional
Virtual Heritage Resource”. Presence. 15.3. Special Issue on Virtual Heritage. 2006, pp. 245-261.
“Digital Tools for the Archaeologist. What is available and can be used for publishing”. Workshop 10. Archäologie und Computer. Kulturelles Erbe und Neue Technologien. 7.-10. November 2005. CD-ROM publication.
With R. P. Sobolewski, D. H. Sanders, and S. Bongiovanni. “An Online and CD-ROM Publication of the Citadel Mound at Nimrud: Implications for Future Progress in Digital Publications”. Workshop 9. Archaeologie und Computer. 3.-5. November 2004. Magistrat der Stadt Wien, MA 7. Referat “Kulturelles Erbe” – Stadtarchaeologie. Wien 2005. [CD-ROM publication]
“The Citadel of Nimrud”. Bulletin: The Canadian Society of Mesopotamian Studies 38, 2003. P. 75 with CD-ROM. [Canadian Society of Mesopotamian Studies Annual Meeting: The Royal Cities of Assyria: Nimrud, Khorsabad, Nineveh. Sept. 28, 2002]
With D. H. Sanders. “The Citadel of Nimrud: A Virtual Reality Model as a Resource for World Heritage Preservation.” Enter the Past: The E-way into the Four Dimensions of Cultural Heritage. CAA 2003. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 31st Congress, Vienna, Austria. April 7-12, edited by Magistrat der Stadt Wien –Referat Kulturelles Erbe-Stadtarchaeologie Wien, 2003. Pp. 541-4 and CD-ROM. [BAR International Series 1227]
Nimrud, the War, and the Antiquities Market. IFAR Journal 6 (1-2), 2003. Pp. 50-55.
With Y. Kim, T. Kesavadas, and D. H. Sanders. The UBVSM: A Real-time Interactive Museum for the Northwest Palace in Iraq. Proceedings of Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM) 2003. 2003. Montreal, Canada: IEEE Computer Society. Pp. 54-61.
With A.B. Snyder. Experiencing an Ancient Assyrian Palace: Methods for a Reconstruction”. in W. Jabir. Reinventing the Discourse. How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture. Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture. Buffalo 2001. Pp. 62-75.
With A.B. Snyder. Qualities of Form: A Contemporary Analysis of the Space and Psychology of the Party-Wall House. International Symposium on Settlement and Housing in Anatolia through the Ages. 5-7 June 1996 (part of the UN International Habitat II Conference). Ege Yayinlar Publishers, Istanbul. 1999. Pp. 337-346. (Appeared this past year)